Frühe Arbeiten vor 1980
Die sogenannte "Gotische Schrift" (Fraktur) und die Unziale standen am Anfang, wenn möglich geschrieben auf Pergament-ähnlichem Papier.
Format ca. 30 x 25 cm. Schwarze Tusche, Pergament-Imitation. Bandzugfeder.
Early Work before 1980
The so-called "Gothic script" (Fracture) and the Uncial stood at the beginning, if possible written on parchment-like paper.
Format approx. 30 x 25 cm. Black chinese ink, parchment imitation. Nib.
Early Work before 1980
The so-called "Gothic script" (Fracture) and the Uncial stood at the beginning, if possible written on parchment-like paper.
Format approx. 30 x 25 cm. Black chinese ink, parchment imitation. Nib.

Katharina Fuhrer - Unterdorfstrasse 15 - 4652 Winznau / Olten - Schweiz/Switzerland -