Stark wie der Tod ist die Liebe. 2008 - 2009
Diese kalligraphischen Blätter entstanden im Zusammenhang mit dem Tod und dem Abschied von meinem Mann.
Für diese Arbeit habe ich eine rot-schwarze Papierkassette gestaltet mit der Aufschrift: Stark wie der Tod ist die Liebe (Hohelied 8,6).
Gedanken dazu sind im Dokument Kalligraphische Trauerarbeit festgehalten.
Da mir speziell bei dieser Arbeit die Inhalte der gewählten Texte sehr wichtig waren,
habe ich die kleingeschriebenen Texte auch vergrössert wiedergegeben.
Torchon Aquarellpapier, schwarzes Tonzeichenpapier, rotes Seidenpapier. Format: 20 x 40 cm. Gouache, Nussbaumtinte, Moorerde .
Bandzugfedern verschiedener Breite, Automatic Pen, Ziehfeder, Spitzfeder, Blockgraphit.
Strong as Death is Love. 2008 - 2009
These calligraphical sheets were created in connection with the death of my husband an the mourning process.
For this work I designed a red and black paper cassette with the inscription: Strong as death is love (Song of Songs 8,6).
Since the content of the selected texts was very important to me, especially in this work, the lower-case texts are also shown enlarged.
Torchon watercolor paper, black drawing paper, red tissue paper, format: 20 x 40 cm. Gouache, walnut ink, peat earth.
Nibs of various widths, automatic pens, drawing nib, pointed nibs, block graphite.
These calligraphical sheets were created in connection with the death of my husband an the mourning process.
For this work I designed a red and black paper cassette with the inscription: Strong as death is love (Song of Songs 8,6).
Since the content of the selected texts was very important to me, especially in this work, the lower-case texts are also shown enlarged.
Torchon watercolor paper, black drawing paper, red tissue paper, format: 20 x 40 cm. Gouache, walnut ink, peat earth.
Nibs of various widths, automatic pens, drawing nib, pointed nibs, block graphite.

Katharina Fuhrer - Unterdorfstrasse 15 - 4652 Winznau / Olten - Schweiz/Switzerland -